Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities and differences


  1. Bonjour Eithenne!If I may call you that? I learned much from just reading your profile information. I see you compose music which is a huge contribution to both of our lives i assume. Something we have in common is music, thats the biggest thing. I dance to all sorts of classical music all the time. I have probably danced to some of your pieces since you compose for ballets and operas. Other then my dancing talent i also have a singing talent. Most of my family is involved in the opera buisness. Romantic time was the place to be considering the two best things were born during the time period, You and Me of course. *laughs* Well anyways we seem to have way more differences than things in common.

    You sir seem like the wiz at the instruments you play. Me, i have no idea to play a single instrument. Only one i can use correctly is my voice. Unlike you my family wasnt that poor, they worked a fair job in the public surveyors department. They were able to send me to dance school at a young age. As for my mentor he wasnt poor either, he was a well known balletmaster who i meant on my tour of your hometown, Paris.I was very honored he chose me to work with.

    Im very glad your hard work paid off for you. Even though you didnt quite have the funds to start off your dreams you still became sucessful!

  2. Dear Mr. Etienne Mehul,

    It has been quite the wonderful pleasure reading about you. My name is Hannah Pritchard and it may interest you to know that we have some things in common. For the both of us, our parents played very insignificant roles in helping our artistic careers take off. Instead, you and I both had wonderful mentors to help shape and mold our artistic talent into something amazing. You and I also were some of the first people to lead change in our arts. You were the first French composer to be called romantic, and I was part of the change on stage where women were actually valued as talented artists. Another thing the two of us have in common is that we both found a particular style in our art that suited us individually.

    However this leads me to speak of our differences. My particular style that suited me like a perfectly fitted glove, is comedy. Nothing is better to me than putting bright smiles on my audiences faces. And your particular style that suited you was the romantic style of your music. Oh, and speaking of your music, you and I different in that aspect as well. Your art was music, you expressed feeling through notes and melodies. While I myself expressed myself through powerful words used to bring out the audiencs emotion. You and I also differ in the fact that you had several mentors, such as: the blind organist, Gluck, and Jean-Frederic Edelmann. But I only had my dear David Garrick, but he was all I needed.

    I truly wished I could have heard some of your operas. I admire your passion and I am sure the passion in your work must have been quite clear in your music. Your music must have been absolutely beautiful with your romantic style, and you should be very proud of your accomplishments. It has been a pleasure speaking with you and I hope to hear from you soon.


  3. Oh Mr. Mehul, it is such a pleasure to meet you! I have heard a couple of your operas and piano concertos and may I say they are truly brilliant. Your symphony #4 was very beautiful as well.
    Some similarities that we share are that we both went to our countries biggest cites. You living in France went to Paris to start your career, and me living in England went to London to start mine. Another thing that we have both done is that we have both crossed new lines in our art forms. You have experimented with many orchestral sounds to make things different and creative in your operas and I have crossed lines in my acting by playing a part as a man and by writing about my political beliefs in my novels.
    Some differences between us include coming from different countries, participating in different art forms. You write music, I write words.
    I will have you know that I will continue to listen to your music and remain a big fan. Have a nice evening.

  4. Hello Mr.Mehul it is very nice to meet you. We are similar in many ways. I to started out poor unable to afford music lessons but later on became a composer. Unlike you I play the piano instead of the organ. I am not a french composer I come from Massachusetts but I have also writen pieces patriotic to the Revolution. Some of your pieces are better known but both still very popular. I to have gone through pieces being rejected. You had to grow up in a poor family with a father who could not afford a good musical education, my father past away when I was 14. You are a very ineresting Man and I would loove to learn about you. Hope to hear from you.

    Sincerly, Mr.William Billings.

  5. Buon giorno, come stai? Mr. Mehul, what a moving story of yours! You would say we are different artist since I am a dancer and you are a composer, and of course I do not know much about music just that I love to dance it. But the reality is that music and dance always go together. You enjoy making beautiful sounds and I make beautiful movements to go with them. That make’s us similar right?

    We grew as artists at the same time period; we both lived what was being an artist while the Revolution was taking place. During this time period most people were looking for a scape to all the economic and social problems, and a lot of times they could find it trough the arts. This highly influenced both of our works. We started to make art more about communicating with nature and its exoticness and less scientific and with explanation; what people called “Romantic”. In this sense we are very similar since we are both pioneers of the Romanticisms in our art fields.

    Differences? Well I really don’t see much difference other than the fact that I am a dancer and you are a composer. Also we can go to the most obvious and is that you are French and I am Italian. Other difference could be that through my career I lived in different parts of Europe: France, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany; but from what I see from you, you lived most of your life in France. But in general I think we are pretty similar artists.
    I would love to see more of your work or better say hear more of your music. I think we would make a great team in creating a ballet together since we are both fathers of the Romanticism, don’t you think? You would compose the music and I would choreograph the dance, magnifico! Hmm maybe you should call me sometime. But anyways it was a pleasure reading your story.

    -Filippo Taglioni

  6. Mr. Mehul! I enjoyed reading your blog... We have a few similarities; first, we were both born in France. Second, you are a composer and I am a play-write. You on the other hand are a composer... Even though we have different arts, I believe that we both are phenominal at them.
    Our differences, you started your arts a little bit earlier than I started mine. I was in my late teens and you were about ten I believe. You play many instruments, my instrument is my pencil!
    Well I am happy for you and your career and I wish you the best for the future. Ba bye!

  7. Mr. Mahul. I enjoyed reading about you. You are an interesting person. While reading. I realized that we have few things in common.
    To start, we both grew up in the same time period. Also, we both did not have an actual mentor although we had people who helped us along.
    Some things that are different are that you are known for music and I am known for acting.
    I must admire your love of flowers. Also congradulations on being the first to be called Romantic.

    Anne Lange

  8. Mr.Mehul,

    You blog is very intersting, even though we don't have anything in common I find our differences very interesting.

    You love opera, I'd rather avoid them. I act and you compose music. We are very great performers, although my ways of doing it aren't very professional. I look foward to talking to you in the future.
